What a special time for Lacee and Cedric welcoming home baby Landon! Landon was born on July 7th and is so loved by family and friends all around him.
When I pulled up to Landons lifestyle newborn session, there was a small construction project happening in the front yard. You could hear the sound of saws and hammers clanging as you walked towards the house. Landon’s newborn session started outside in the nice sun and gentle breeze. Lacee told me that Landon loves to be outdoors and you could definitely tell. He was so happy and content. We were able to get so many wonderful images of him in the arms of his parents.
After taking so many adorable shots we headed inside to continue the session. We could feel the cool air as we entered through the door. Cedric and I moved the one couch slightly away from the big window in the living room. Then we took more great shots. I wrapped Landon in my white swaddle that I brought with me. Landons eyes slowly closed as he fell asleep. He was so happy to be all warm and snuggled up. You can read more about why I swaddle the baby in my What to Wear blog post!
We finished with Landon on the bean bag. Landon also tried on a mint green hat that he looked adorable in. He was so sweet and did a great job. By the end of Landons lifestyle newborn session it was time to wake him up. I love waking the baby up! Baby’s make such adorable faces as they stretch and wake up. Landon definitely did not disappoint!
Take a look at all of these sweet moments! It is a shame that they do not stay this little forever. This is why I love to help families document their stories so they can remember them for years to come!